Our Technology

The Optimal Health Centre uses technology that offers objective methods to assess the impact of stress on your body from a biomechanical perspective as well as a functional/neurological perspective. To do so, in addition to x-rays when necessary, the Optimal Health Centre uses three main tools: the INSiGHT™ Subluxation Station for thermography; a digital postural assessment tool; and a digital foot scan. If your health goals go beyond pain relief, these tests will allow us to look at your health in a way that it has most likely never been assessed in order to help you reach optimal health.

Thermography (Thermal Scan)


We live our entire lives through our nervous system.

The Thermal Scan is used to assess the part of your nervous system that helps control your organs, glands, and blood vessels. The instrument does this by precisely measuring differences in temperature along the spine. Temperature is an accurate indicator of where stress is building up and how deeply it affects bodily functions.

Chronic stress and tension can be damaging to your health.

Nerve interference that is detected by this sensor is valuable in understanding and planning health and wellness strategies since each organ system relies on clear and balanced nerve signals to work efficiently.

Digital Postural Assessment


Posture has been said to be the window to the spine.

In fact, bad posture is associated with the development and progression of many spinal conditions and injuries such as disc injuries, scoliosis, back pain, neck pain, headaches, degenerative joint disease (arthritis), and others.

The body is designed to have the head, rib cage, and pelvis perfectly balanced upon one another in both the front and side views.

If the posture deviates from normal, this is an indication that the spine has deviated from its normal healthy position. As a result, the spinal structures such as your vertebrae, discs, ligaments, and muscles are working harder than they should to maintain a neutral standing posture, which may result in a disruption of the brain-body communication (nerve interference).

At the Optimal Health Centre, we perform a digital postural assessment as part of every chiropractic examination so that we can have greater insight and understanding of your health status.

Digital Foot Scan

The feet are the body’s foundation.

For this reason, the Optimal Health Centre uses a 3D scanner to quickly and safely assess the arches of your feet; where, on your feet, you bear the weight; and their symmetry from side to side.

This information is important because any dysfunction may affect your body’s biomechanics; alter your gait; and/or add stress to your joints, including knees, hips, pelvis, and spine, increasing possible wear and tear and the risk of injury.
